At Pacific Investment Advisory we operate under a strict Code of Ethics.
As a Registered Investment Advisor we are required by law to act in our
clients' best interests.
Furthermore, we understand that trust is our most valuable asset, and
that honesty, integrity and professionalism are the backbone of our
company. Therefore, all of our employees abide by the following:
All employees of Pacific Investment Advisory, Inc. understand that the firm has a fiduciary duty
to our clients and their best interests must always come first. Honesty, integrity and professionalism
are the backbone of our organization and are required of all employees. Every employee will practice
and encourage others to practice in an ethical manner and will abide by the following principles:
All employees of Pacific Investment Advisory will at all
times, place the interests of PIA's clients before their own.
Every employee will comply with all applicable federal securities
laws, and will exercise reasonable care and professional judgment
at all times.
Employees will not only maintain their competence, but will also
strive to improve their competence and that of others in the organization.
Every employee agrees to act in an ethical manner, and with integrity,
competence, and dignity at all times when dealing with the public,
clients, and prospects, as well as with fellow employees and employers at PIA.
Every employee shall read and understand Pacific Investment Advisory's
Standards of Professional Conduct and shall adhere to those standards
at all times.
With regard to personal securities transactions, a PIA employee will avoid
any conflict of interest and will not abuse his position of trust and
responsibility or take inappropriate advantage of that position.
All information concerning the financial circumstances of clients, their
identity and personal information, and the identity of their securities
holdings will be treated in the strictest confidence.
(See our
Privacy Policy ) |
Failure to comply with this code will result in disciplinary action,
which may include termination of employment.